WebBeds nabs TDM Travel Trade Excellence Awards 2024 – Thailand for unique marketing campaign

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WebBeds, the global marketplace for the travel trade, clinched the Content Marketing of the Year category win at the inaugural TDM Travel Trade Excellence Awards 2024 – Thailand for its marketing campaign ‘Bangkok Unboxed’ that has elevated Bangkok as a top travel destination with its compelling content and targeted strategies to successfully drive destination sales and increase tourism spending.

The campaign, which was developed in collaboration with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), has been strategically launched from Q2 2024 to align with TAT’s broader goals, including increasing visitor spend, deepening segmentation strategy, and exploring emerging markets to diversify source markets.

WebBeds has developed eight dynamic videos, each focussing on a different aspect of the Bangkok experience: Eat, Nourish, Play, See, Shop, Explore, Relive, and Indulge. In addition to these thematic videos, two additional videos have been created: a 30-second teaser cut to generate initial interest and a 120-second full-length video to provide a more immersive experience.

The content has been distributed across multiple B2B platforms, including WebBeds’ booking platforms, email marketing, the monthly e-magazine “Travel Aggregator,” a dedicated campaign landing page, and social media channels. This comprehensive distribution strategy has ensured maximum visibility and engagement amongst travel trade partners, who are then able to promote these offerings to their direct consumers.

Bangkok Unboxed’s robust B2B engagement strategy is a key component to its success, with WebBeds leveraging its global distribution network and deep industry relationships to ensure that the campaign reaches the right audience at the right time. This has been achieved through a multi-channel approach that combines content creation and targeted sales messaging.

WebBed’s campaign has yielded impressive results across all key markets with a 39% average increase in room nights and a 26% average increase in Cost of Sale. The dynamic videos have also generated nearly three million views, with the top five videos achieving a combined watch time of over 35,000 hours and over 52,000 total engagements.

Beyond YouTube, the campaign has garnered over 3.4 million impressions through the company’s platforms. Moreover, the campaign has achieved 50.8 million impressions through strategic partnerships with travel trade partners.

The campaign is a testament to WebBeds’ ability to push the boundaries of traditional B2B distribution practices. Its adoption of a holistic approach to content marketing, as well as the originality it has demonstrated, serve as a benchmark for future initiatives in the travel and tourism industry.

“What sets this campaign apart is WebBeds’ strategic alignment with broader industry goals, its creative approach to content creation, and comprehensive execution across multiple channels. By focussing on dynamic, engaging content and leveraging on its global distribution network, WebBeds [has been] able to drive significant growth in key markets, demonstrating the power of collaboration between industry partners,” it said.

The TDM Travel Trade Excellence Awards 2024 – Thailand celebrates companies in the travel sector that have made groundbreaking industry improvements with a renewed focus on safety and sustainability, enabling unique customer experiences.

The TDM Travel Trade Excellence Awards 2024 – Thailand is presented by Travel Daily Media. To view the full list of winners, click here. For more details, please contact Jane Patiag at +(65) 3158 1386 ext. 217 or awards@traveldailymedia.com.

The post WebBeds nabs TDM Travel Trade Excellence Awards 2024 – Thailand for unique marketing campaign appeared first on Travel Daily Media.


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