Coral Reef Restoration at Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort

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Reefs are among the oldest ecosystems in the world, only covering 1 percent of the earth but providing a home to more than 25 percent of marine life.  According to the United Nations Environmental program, “A 70-90% decrease in live coral on reefs by 2050 may occur, without drastic action to limit global warming to 1.5°C.”

It’s difficult to picture the real scale of damage happening to our ecosystem, as it often feels larger than life. One may ask themselves, what can I do to help save the reefs from destruction? Traveling with sustainability in mind is a great call to action.

Sustainable travel is a practice aiming to counteract the negative impacts of overtourism and focuses on helping travelers protect the social and environmental status of travel destinations. Green initiatives are becoming more popular at hotels around the world, and this Caribbean property has an exciting approach to helping combat reef destruction.

Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort is located on the shores of St. Lucia, nestled between the picturesque UNESCO Pitons. The luxury oasis is taking part in coral reef restoration with three coral planting structures in place on their crystal blue shores.

Elijah Jean-Baptist the Water Sports & Scuba Manager of Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort has shared “Reefs contribute significantly to the island’s fisheries which support our local communities. Coral Reefs also act as barriers protecting St. Lucia’s coastline from erosion and damage. However, like many coral reefs globally, those in St. Lucia face threats such as rising sea temperatures and pollution which has led to coral bleaching and degradation. Reef restorations are essential in safeguarding our ecosystem and supporting the overall wellbeing of St. Lucia’s coastal community and marine environment, as well as enhancing the island’s appeal for tourism.

The current restoration process is between 6-9 months, allowing for new coral to grow in structures along the property, and finally moved and planted onto surrounding reefs. Guests are encouraged to also enjoy partaking in the planting as well as snorkeling and diving. The property has seen a great impact from their coral planting, with noticeable increases in marine life.





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